9 Meaningful Ways To Celebrate Father’s Day


Father’s Day is one of the few times you can really focus on honoring the fathers in your life. Some people use a Father’s Day celebration to venerate their dad, while others use it for a spouse, step-father, male sibling, or even a role model that reminds that person of the term “father figure.”

Figuring out Father’s Day plans can seem daunting. Fortunately, we have nine meaningful ways to celebrate dad this year. You can either choose something from our list or use these ideas as a branching-off point for your own unique way of honoring dad.

1. Learn About His Family

Tracing the branches and roots of your father’s family tree can be a great way to understand more about his past and culture. It is also a great way to bond with family in the present and past.

2. Give Him a Homemade Gift

Few gifts are more memorable than ones made with your own hands and brain. If your dad has a particular hobby, consider making something useful or relevant to that hobby.

3. Travel Together

This trip could be a simple road trip to somewhere you have both been interested in or visiting some new places in town. If your father has a particular interest in a culture, you might want to investigate a region with strong connections to that culture.

4. Make Him a Treat or Dinner

Home-cooked food is always appreciated and your father is sure to love whatever you decide to make for him. You can also go the extra mile by trying new recipes that are connected to his heritage.

5. Learn About Your Last Name

Since last names come from the father’s side in most cultures, it can be fun learning the history of that name from your father, as well as its meaning and any changes over generations.

6. Perform a Task

A father who greatly appreciates acts of service will love you if you show him you truly care. Maybe there is some project he keeps talking about doing but never has the time. Maybe there is something he constantly complains about but has no way of solving on his own.

7. Watch a Movie

Unless your father is particularly uninvested in films, there are probably one or two film genres he loves. Show your dad that you care by investing your time watching those films with him. You can even earn extra credit if you can find a drive-through theater focusing on those films.

8. Join In His Hobbies

Every dad has a hobby or three and you have probably been around him long enough to know what those hobbies are. Show that you care about the guy by participating in that hobby with him.

9. Regale Him With Your Favorite Dad Memories

People sometimes lose track of the influence they have in others’ lives. Bring your family together to share your favorite memories of your father and he will most certainly feel loved and appreciated.